Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Banana Splits - Inspiration and Innovation

Following a discussion regarding the two animal costumes we planed to use for the video, we learnt that the suits were based on designs from the 1960/70s television program 'The Banana Splits Adventure Hour'.

Source A1
As seen below, similar characters to those in Source A1 - a screenshot from 'Wild Things' - appear in Source A2 - an image from 'The Banana Splits Adventure Hour'. 

We conducted further research on the show, and learnt the show's premise was deep routed in music, with the four main protagonists performing in the fictitious rock band of the show's namesake. 
Source A2

After scouring YouTube in search of clips of the 60s kids show, we came across this short segment from the show. From 1:57 onwards the characters appear dancing over a white background. The white background provided a clean, uncluttered canvas for us to play around with in Final Cut. We downloaded a copy of the video and began distorting the footage using various video filters.

After cutting up and testing various filters on the footage, we decided the clips could be interspersed between our footage as a homage to the original show. 

A .gif of some of the chopped and screwed footage

In regards to the question of copyright terms, our music video is strictly non-profit and gives a creative interpretation of another piece, using short 1 - 2 second samples; the piece would stand free of copyright unless requested otherwise by Time Warner, the conglomerate with ownership of the rights to the show.

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