Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Wild Things First Shoot: Friday 15th November

On the morning of Friday the 15th we conducted our first shoot at Penn Ponds. This footage is currently being edited. Until then, here are some raw images from the shoot:

A slow motion wide shot shot at 50fps

Shot using a low aperture - f/1.4

We got incredibly lucky with the lighting on the morning of the 15th. We took advantage of the beautiful clear day by heading to Penn Ponds for 7:30AM during the 'Golden Hour' of sunlight. The second day of shooting is planned for the following week.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Wild Things Shooting Logs

Above is a copy of our shooting logs and instructions  over the two shooting dates. One from November 15th, and one from November 22nd. Click the images for a larger view.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

WILD THINGS - Storyboard

5 storyboards shown from left to right. Click the image to see a larger image.

As our concept has become fully fleshed out, we decided to produce the finalised storyboards for the film. Whilst simple, the frames give crucial reference material for the film's production, and give a clear outline of the video's narrative.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Location Scouting: Penn Ponds

We've spent the last two weeks scouting out different locations to film. Here as some location photos from our first shoot at Penn Ponds, Richmond Park.

Click the image for a larger view.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Ancillary Task 2: Magazine Advertisement

Below is our second ancillary task. We designed two copies of our posters in alternate white/black and black/orange colourways. We settled on the black/orange poster as the final copy for our task.

The first white/black colourway.
The final copy - black/orange colourway.

Short breakdown of some of the poster's features

Friday, 1 November 2013

Ancillary Task 1: Digipak Cover

After creating a front and back cover, as well as an additional promotional poster for the album, we compiled them below to give a visual illustration of the makeup of the digipak. 

Below is our final copy of the 1st Ancillary Task

Click the image for a larger view of the digipak.